Work and Business Coaching

Work and business coaching can deliver startlingly good results. The focused, one-to-one coaching approach helps you raise performance, achieve goals, lower stress, and address the issues that are holding you back.

My coaching style helps you achieve significant, positive change. I believe in a friendly approach where we can build a real connection with each other – all the while emphasising positivity and focusing on taking the right actions.

I love working with a wide variety of people at whatever level they have achieved, and I believe my coaching skills are much stronger because of this.

Who I Work With

  • Although I’m not an ‘Executive Coach’, I often work very successfully with people at executive level
  • Managers
  • Small business owners
  • The professions: medical, law, education, etc.
  • People at all levels of work and business in both public and private sectors

Here are some of the areas we can work together on:

  • Tried and tested approaches to:
    • Efficient working
    • Better productivity
    • Goal setting & achievement
  • Getting promoted
  • Improved people skills
  • Help to grow as a manager, leader and strategic thinker
  • Overwhelm, crises, difficulties & dilemmas
  • Stress, work-life balance
  • Getting more done
  • Managing more effectively – including planning and strategic thinking

What you will NOT get from my work and business coaching:

  • I won’t tell you how to run your business, or how to do your job
  • I’ll avoid corporate language, jargon and buzzwords – but you can use them if you want to
  • I will not employ an ‘in your face’, confrontational style or tone. I get great results without that

Ready to make those important changes to your work or business life?

Go to the Free-trial/Consultation page to contact me – and I’ll do the rest to get the ball rolling. There’ll be absolutely no pressure, no sales talk – just a helpful conversation and a little coaching (on a topic of your choice), to help you decide if what I offer feels right for you. I’d love to hear from you.

Coaching Gets Great Results

Take advantage of a free, no obligation telephone coaching consultation, because positive results start right here.