Full Coaching Testimonial for Louise – North Yorkshire

Hi Andy,

I thought now would be a good time to send you a note of thanks for all the help & advice you’ve given me over the last 3 months or so, as today I hit my sales target at work for the first time in 5 months!

When I first contacted you, I was struggling to manage the demands of a hectic career along with being a mum to 2 young children. The result being a constant sense of guilt & feeling that I wasn’t doing either job properly! I was having a very difficult time at work & after a few of months of not hitting my target I’d experienced a period of prolonged negativity & lethargy that was spreading to all parts of my life. I was even questioning whether I was in the right job or not & had ended up taking a considerable amount of time off sick as I found the everyday elements of my job increasingly difficult in this state of mind.

I am normally quite a cynical person when it comes to quick fixes, techniques & strategies for aiding success. However, your logical explanations of how & why certain techniques such as visualisations, positive affirmations & behaviour modification can work & help you achieve your goals really helped me to accept & embrace them, & I have to say some of the things you’ve taught me will stay with me forever.

I can’t believe how far I’ve come in such a short space of time, I have a renewed sense of energy & purpose & a real focus during my daily life, be that at work or at home. Our sessions have helped me appreciate how well my current role as an advertising salesperson matches my core values as a person. Now that I have recognised & accepted that fact, I find I am no longer wasting time thinking about what else I could be doing.

I have also found an entirely new approach to time management & prioritisation, which has helped me to free up valuable time in my life while at the same time working much more efficiently & meeting many of my key performance indicators. Having been on countless time management courses with little success in the past I have to say this is indeed a great result!

Without your help I don’t think I would have managed to get back on track at work & would probably have left a job that I am actually quite good at & that fits into my life very well. I am sure I wouldn’t have hit my February target, or any target in the near future & considering the commission I will earn this month alone will pay for the 8 sessions I had with you twice over, I consider it money very well spent! (So do my husband & kids who are very pleased to have their wife & mum back instead of the miserable crabby one who never had any time for anything!)

I look forward to catching up with you again in a few weeks time & am sure I will be calling upon you again in the near future for further help & advice.

Speak to you soon,


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