Life Coaching and Business Coaching for Sheffield

Andrew Leigh - Life coach, work and business coach, creative arts coachAndrew Leigh:  Personal Life Coaching, Work & Business Coaching – Sheffield, UK

It’s easier than you think to change things for the better – even if you’re not sure what ‘better’ is. Make permanent, meaningful changes to the rest of your life.

It seems that more and more people these days struggle to find meaning to the daily grind. They may be overwhelmed with stuff to do, bored to distraction with a life that is challenging in all the wrong ways, or brimming with feelings of anxiety that simply won’t be pinned down.

The crazy thing is that even the most ‘successful’ people can feel this way.

Why do people settle for such a frustrating life when it can all be so much better? Well, there are plenty of very understandable reasons:

  • Everything seems way too complicated
  • It’s scary to make a change (what if it goes wrong)
  • There are simply too many competing options
  • There doesn’t seem to be any real options
  • Friends, family or colleagues just don’t see the problem
  • Success is for other people, but not for me

Yet every day people do find their way through these barriers and road blocks to enjoy a profoundly better way of living.

“I would never have believed it – what a difference.” Denise J, Sheffield, GB
  • Discover a compelling life direction and life purpose
  • Start or revitalize a business or career
  • Find the time to do the things that really count
  • Become more organised, focused and motivated
  • Enjoy a simpler, more meaningful life
  • Gain personal confidence and self belief

What’s their secret? Well – it’s a different secret for every single person – because just as each of us is truly unique, so are the ‘ingredients of fulfilment’ for each and every one of us.

So How do people find their own special life ingredients? A common thread for many is that coaching has helped them transform their lives.

Andy Leigh is a fantastic life coach. His gentle style and support have helped me tremendously. I would not have believed so much positive change was possible before I started my sessions. Andy has helped with everything from getting up early to finding a new job! I can’t recommend him highly enough. Del, solicitor, Sheffield.

Coaching for Sheffield, the UK and Internationally

Andrew Leigh of Pathways Coaching has been a full time, qualified coach for over a decade and a half, and has coached hundreds of clients in that time. Andrew’s gentle Sheffield accent helps people from all over Britain and beyond feel at ease. Andrew believes that each person has their own best answers within them. He sees his role as helping create a supportive conversational atmosphere which at the same time will deliver powerful results.

“You have really delivered what you said on the tin. Success, fulfilment, direction.” Russ Marsden, Leeds, GB

For clients this means:

  • Having the time, space and security to think
  • Gaining a deep understanding of what’s important to them
  • Accessing powerful inner commitment, enthusiasm and belief
  • Taking life changing and life affirming action
“Andy helped me see that everything I needed for change was already within me…. I worry less now – I measure my life by what has been done or been enjoyed, reather than what is left to be done.” Richard Altoft, Barton-on-Humber, GB. Quoted from an article in Saga magazine.

Is now the time for you to take that first step towards an improved way of living? If it’s not – when will the right time be? The truth is that waiting for that perfect moment means you’ll just keep on waiting – because that perfect moment isn’t some time in the future – it’s right now .

Put yourself six months, a year, three years into the future. Imagine the satisfaction of understanding that all the good things that have happened in your life have happened because of you.

Take advantage of a free, no obligation telephone coaching consultation, because beginning starts right here . There’ll be no pressure, no sales techniques – just a friendly 45 minute conversation about the things you want to be better and how coaching can help you make it happen.

“I would never have realised I could go for this if it hadn’t been for your coaching.” FW, Sheffield, GB

You can also use the Personal Development Checklist to gain valuable insight into your desired areas of positive change.